Creating a Parental

At Children Heard and Seen, we are committed to identifying and supporting every child with a parent in prison, ensuring they receive the essential support to thrive and feel secure in a nurturing and non-judgmental environment. Our training program will equip you with the tools and support needed to create a parental imprisonment-aware environment within your educational setting.
Our comprehensive, certificated, 6-session online course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the wide-ranging effects of parental imprisonment on children. The program will explore the emotional, physical, behavioural, and mental health implications, shedding light on the often-hidden trauma associated with this experience. By delving into this recognised Adverse Childhood Experience, we aim to address the invisibility and stigma surrounding parental imprisonment and foster greater awareness and understanding.
In addition, this program will equip you with the confidence and skills to effectively support and work with children and young people who have been impacted. You will also gain the confidence to support your colleagues in this specific area of work. Furthermore, the program will raise your awareness about the significance of implementing whole-school approaches and providing targeted support to address the needs of these children and young people.
Every two weeks, you will actively engage in six two-hour sessions. During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to delve into a variety of activities, including group reflective sessions to encourage personal growth, in-depth discussions on work-related topics to foster collaboration, sharing of best practices to enhance professional development, and exploration of successful initiatives to inspire innovation.
In addition to these designated sessions, “homework” will be set. This may involve reading relevant materials such as case studies, school policies, glossaries of terms, and useful academic papers.
See the Course Overview and start dates here.

What does a Parental Imprisonment Aware Environment look like?
- A whole school policy – All staff, governors, parents, carers, and significant family members will be informed of this policy and the school’s commitment to supporting affected children and young people.
- Ensuring that pupils and students who are affected by parental imprisonment are supported through an inclusive and non-judgemental approach and ensuring that no child is blamed for or negatively impacted by their parents’ circumstances.
- The opportunity to promote empathy, understanding, and kindness through various activities such as school assemblies, book discussions, and integrating these values into the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum.
- An established school ethos that enables children and their parent/carers to confide about their situations safely.
- Designating leads trained to support their peers, ensuring ongoing professional development through supervision and networking.
- A school admissions policy that recognises the importance of asking the question.
- A student-led platform for specific groups of children, making a positive impact and building a supportive community for everyone.
- Ensuring that children with a parent in prison are always safeguarded.

If your organisation is interested in a bespoke training package, please get in touch at