Children Heard and Seen

1:1 Support.

Tailored 1:1 support sessions

We provide weekly one-to-one support for children with a parent in prison with our Children and Families Practitioners. These sessions provide an opportunity for children to talk about their feelings relating to having a parent in prison, develop strategies to manage complex emotions and understand the process of imprisonment by covering each stage of the custodial sentence. 

This can be delivered in person or online via Zoom to families, depending on access and suitability. 

Sessions use our own Children Heard and Seen workbook, designed in consultation with young people, to provide an opportunity to talk about fears relating to having a parent in prison and help children to understand the process of imprisonment by covering each stage of the custodial sentence. The course ends by looking to the future and encouraging children to think about what they want to achieve and where they want to be in 10 years. This is designed to instil a lasting positive self-image that empowers a young person to choose a different path to the offending parent.

Sessions are individually tailored to the needs and circumstances of each child, and can include; Therapeutic support through Drawing & Talking; exploring creativity and emotions through our Music Project; photo-book/memory box making; letter-writing support using our own designed templates.

Refer to Children Heard and Seen

If you are caring for a child with a parent in prison and would like to access support for yourself or your child, please get in touch at