Children Heard and Seen

Christmas Blues

Christmas can raise complicated feelings for families with a parent in prison. Please read this blog, written by a parent that we support, about her experience of preparing for Christmas whilst her children’s father is in prison

Those of you who have a partner in prison will I’m sure know just how I feel today.

My father-in-law kindly helped get the usual bags and boxes out of the loft with me. This is usually my husband’s job.

I’ve been cleaning and tidying all afternoon. Ready for the decorations to go up.

Then my little man put Christmas songs on, this is always a family tradition.

Then we got to work… Putting up the tree, lights in the windows etc. Then came the time to hang the stockings on the fireplace.

Four personalised stockings for each of the kids, hubby and I.

His stocking now hangs there even though he will be nowhere near this Christmas. It just makes me so incredibly sad… For the boys, for myself and for him.

We will see him 2 days before and 4 days after. We will miss him terribly on Christmas day.

This is the first and only Christmas he will spend inside thankfully. I know many amazing families doing their 3rd, 4th, 5th.

I have to make Christmas special for the boys but it’s going to be tough. I am going to no doubt shed a little tear here and there, remembering all those happy Christmases together as a family of 4. Grieving for those times when he ‘should’ be here with us celebrating Christmas as a family of 4.